From The Economist print edition
Bip, the world's quietest clown, died on September 22nd, older than he seemed
WHEN the spotlight faded on Bip last week, leaving not even a hand or a flower illuminated, it caused only a sigh of surprise. Bip had tried many times to put an end to himself. He would cut his wrists with a blade, nicking and wincing away from it, in case his copious blood gushed over his pure white sailor's trousers. He would shake out into his palm a handful of pills from a bottle, open his wide red mouth, and fail to swallow them. Stepping on a chair that wobbled under him, he would knot a noose round his scrawny neck, test it, yank it, gyrate his neck like a pigeon and step out into the void. Nothing worked. He went on living.
上周,毕普身上的聚光灯褪去了五彩,甚至哪怕是一只手或者一朵装饰的花儿都没能留下来,这只能让人们发出一声惊讶的叹息。 毕普曾尝试过好多次了断自己。他常用刀片割破手腕,边割边把身体向另一旁抽缩,以防汹涌而出的鲜血溅在纯白色的水兵裤子上。他会从瓶子中抖出一把药丸,然后张开血红的大嘴巴准备吃掉它们,但是却未能吞咽下去。他会跳上一把摇摇晃晃的椅子,在瘦骨嶙峋的脖子上打上一个绳套,先试一下,然后猛地一拉,把脖子扭得象一只鸽子,接着跳下椅子悬在半空中。所有这些都不奏效,他仍然活得好好的。
That he should wish to die was also not surprising. Often he was kept, crouching or standing, in a small cage on the stage. One by one he ran his hands along the bars until, with all his strength, he pushed two apart and jumped nimbly out; but then, right ahead of him, behind him, all round him, he found his palms flattening against a wall of glass. Each cage was contained in another. His hands often became birds, flickering and fluttering out of his sleeves, and he made them fly swiftly from their prisons, laughing as they flew. But the bars soon closed again round him.
Like all human beings, he dreamed; but his dreams were rarely successful. He hunted butterflies with a darting net, only to break their wings. He plucked flowers, then picked their petals out, and was surprised they died. When he tried to tame lions, they ate him, scorning the thin hoop he flourished in their direction. He walked against wind and made no progress. His black-ringed eyes and black-lined eyebrows registered sadness, wonder, perplexity and terror. But he did not know what malevolence was. He was, said the man who knew him best, a romantic, a Don Quixote tilting at windmills, and “alone in a fragile world filled with injustice and beauty”.
To the naked eye Bip had only the clothes he stood up in: trousers, jacket, soft ballet shoes, striped jersey, and a crumpled opera-hat topped with a red flower. His lean limbs and white face were his only language. The spotlight played on him, and nothing else. Yet the silence around him was filled with chairs, tables, animals, trunks and escalators. It swarmed with lounging waiters, officious policemen, dog-walkers pulled to right and left of the path, old ladies knitting. Railway trains roared through, and Bip, bouncing and swaying in his seat, struggled to keep his suitcase from falling out of the rack. The sea flooded in, bringing a ship that could take Bip on his constant travels to
He was born, some said, in the Paris acting school in 1947, bred by Jean-Louis Barrault in “Les Enfants du Paradis” and raised at the tiny Théatre de Poche in Montparnasse. Others made him far older, dating from the Athenian drama and the Japanese noh plays, via the commedia dell'arte and Charlie Chaplin. Parts of all this went into the making of him, as well as the imaginings of the young Marcel Marceau, in
有人说毕普1947年诞生于巴黎署理学校,让-路易斯·巴伦特在电影《天堂的孩子》中塑造了他的形象,并把他搬上了蒙帕那斯的tiny Théatre de Poche 。还有人认为毕普来源于更早的雅典戏剧和日本奥马尔戏,并借鉴了即兴喜剧和查理·卓别林的。所有这些零散的内容,连同1930年代斯特拉斯堡的年轻人马塞尔·马索的想象力,被一起融入进了对毕普的创造之中。那时侯,马塞尔·马索常穿上他父亲的长裤子并扭曲身体,试着给朋友们逗乐。他的名字“毕普”是从狄更斯的《远大前程》中随意挑出来的。他的帽子、花儿以及水手装束随时间的推移已经变得不可分割。
Becoming the tempest骤成风暴
He never spoke. Mr Marceau's father died in 1944 in
His alter ego, who promoted him as Everyman all over the world, sometimes spoke for him. “Bip”, said Mr Marceau, “is a hero of our time. His gaze is turned not only towards heaven, but into the hearts of men.” Mr Marceau compiled his biography and painted his portrait, colouring him blue, rose and mauve as he walked through the city streets and sailed among the stars. He wrote a poem for him:
A silent, fragile hand has drawn in space a white flower emptied of its blood.
Soon it will open, blossom out.
Soon, though faded, bloom again.
Mr Marceau was garrulous and gregarious where Bip was not. He ran his own mime company for almost 60 years, staging mimodrames when they were completely out of fashion, and started an international school in
Bip simply moved on the stage, bird, fish, song, wind, tempestuously without a word, until he too became invisible.