Cardinal Lustiger
Aug 16th 2007From
The Economist print edition
Aaron Jean-Marie Lustiger, cardinal and archbishop, died on August 5th, aged 80巴黎天主教区大主教亚伦?吉恩-玛利?吕斯蒂杰(见注1)红衣主教8月5日仙去,享年80岁。
AT THE funeral of Jean-Marie Lustiger, at Notre Dame de Paris on August 10th, his second cousin Jonas Moses-Lustiger read a psalm in Hebrew and placed on the coffin a jar of earth that had been gathered on the Mount of Olives.Then another cousin, Arno Lustiger, bent over the coffin to recite Kaddish. Only when those things were done was the body of Cardinal Lustiger carried inside the cathedral, where Catholic panoply took over.
八月十日,吉恩-玛利?吕斯蒂杰的葬礼在著名的巴黎圣母院举行,他的远房堂兄弟乔纳森?摩西?吕斯蒂杰把 一个盛有橄榄山奥利韦特山泥土的罐子放在了灵柩上,并用希伯来文念了一首圣诗。然后,他的另一个堂兄弟阿尔诺?吕斯蒂杰伏在灵柩上背诵了犹太教的珈底什哀 悼祷文。一直到这些仪式全部结束后,红衣主教吕斯蒂杰的遗体才被隆重地移入了教区的大教堂。
There was no question of mixing the rites; the cardinal, said his staff, would not have liked that. Yet they were mixed in himself. He was a Jew by birth, instinct, emotion and devotion; he was a Catholic by conversion and conviction.He cracked Jewish jokes, and put on a suit and kippa to go to synagogue, although the evening would find him in his soutane again. For him, Christianity was simply the fruit of Judaism; his first religion came to completion in his second. Christ, in his eyes, was the Messiah of Israel, his cross worthy of a yellow star.And since the mission of Israel was “to bring light to the goyim”, preaching the gospel became his own mitzvah.
这两种不同的仪式混合在一起并没什么问题,但是参加葬礼的人 说,主教不会喜欢这样做。说有问题是他们自己弄混淆了。吕斯蒂杰生来就是犹太人,他的天性、理智以及信仰都表明了着点;他是个半路出家的天主教徒。他机敏 地讲着犹太笑话,穿西装戴犹太小帽进出犹太教堂,到晚上你又会发现他一身神父的黑色长袍打扮。对他来讲,基督教仅仅是信仰犹太教的收获;他用第一个宗教来 完成第二次信仰。基督在他看来就象以色列人的弥赛亚,是一个带有黄色六角星标志的十字架(注2)。因为以色列人的使命是“给异邦人带去光明”,所以向世人 广布福音就成了他的戒律。(注7)
The theology was complicated, despite the jut-jawed charm and aquiline intensity with which it was expressed. Many on both sides did not understand it. The Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel called Cardinal Lustiger a betrayer of his people; the Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate. On the Catholic side, arch-conservatives lamented that their archbishop was not “truly of French origin”.
神学晦涩繁杂,阐述出来的不仅仅是迷人的下巴和高隆的鹰钩鼻。犹太教和天主教中的许多人不理解这一 点。德裔犹太教首席拉比(注:3)把红衣主教吕斯蒂杰称为民族的背叛者;《耶路撒冷快递报》指责他是个叛徒。天主教的那边,主流的保守派对他们的大主教感 到很惋惜,因为他“不是地道的法国人。”
In one sense, this was correct. His father and mother were Polish-Jewish immigrants, keeping a hat-and-drapery shop in Montparnasse, in Paris. The young Aaron had been protected from Christianity, kept inside during Christian festivals and made aware that his grandfather had been a Yiddish-speaking rabbi in Silesia. But he had found a New Testament at his piano teacher's and discovered, as he read it, that he seemed to know this story already.
某种程度上讲,这么说并不错。他的父母是波兰裔犹太移民,在巴黎的中南部蒙 帕尔纳斯区开了一家衣帽商店。童年的亚伦被严密看护不让接近基督教,基督纪念日他会被关在家里。他这才知道他的祖父以前在西里西亚是个说意第绪语的犹太教 拉比。不过他在他的钢琴教师那里已经见到过一本《新约圣经》,并且发现他似乎已经理解了这些故事。
The moment of conversion came at 14, in Orléans, where his family had taken sporadic shelter in a Catholic household during the war. On Holy Thursday he stole into Orléans cathedral to find it blazing with candles and flowers. The next day, Good Friday, he found the church stripped as a sign of desolation. Christ's presence, followed by Christ's absence, impressed him so deeply that he asked to be baptised. Explaining to his parents was “unbearably painful”; outraged, they called in a rabbi, but the rabbi seemed to think their boy was either deluded, or sensible. Fourteen years later he was ordained a priest.
他14 岁在奥尔良的时候改变了信仰。当时处在战时,他的家人需要不时地借用一家天主教家庭的防空洞。有一天,那天是耶稣升天日,他偷偷地进入了奥尔良的天主教大 教堂,那里烛光耀眼,鲜花夺目。另一个节日,也就是耶稣受难日,他发现教堂仿佛被掠夺过的荒凉废墟一样。基督在人间是一个样,基督离开后又是一个样子,这 种反差给了吕斯蒂杰非常深刻的印象,所以他要求接受教会的洗礼。这个解释对他父母来讲是“不堪承受的痛苦”,他们非常愤怒,于是找了一名拉比来处理这件 事。不过那名拉比认为他们的孩子并不是被蛊惑了,仅仅是年少无知罢了。十四年之后,这个少年被任命为天主教的牧师。
The future cardinal was convinced, even then, that he had not abandoned one iota of his Jewishness. To say he had, he once explained, “is like denying my father and mother, my grandfathers and grandmothers”. He had kept the name Aaron as his first name at baptism, only adding Christian ones. At the same time, those who thought this a conversion of convenience, to save his hide, were wrong. He had not wanted to save his hide. Like most survivors, he constantly mourned the members of his family who had died in the camps, especially his mother, who was transported to Auschwitz in 1942.He would say Kaddish for her on her death day, and on his first visit to Auschwitz, in 1983, he slipped away to kneel in the grass among the barracks, in his archiepiscopal robes with his scarlet skull-cap, and cry.
未来的红衣主教深受教会器重,但即使 这样,他的犹太教信仰一丁点都没有撇弃。有一次他解释说:“(说我不是犹太人)就好象是否定我父亲母亲以及祖父母。” (注4) ,入教受洗的时候他保留了亚伦作为他的名字,只是在中间加上了两个基督教的教名。(注1) 但是,那些认为他这么做是为了便于改变宗教信仰,免受处罚的人并不正确。他从来没有想要免于受罚。象大多数大屠杀的辛存者一样,他一直悼念着死在集中营里 的家人。尤其是他1942年被送去奥斯韦辛集中营的母亲。每到母亲的忌日他都会念珈底什哀悼祷文。1983年他首次拜访奥斯韦辛,远远地就跌倒在地,跪在 军营中间的草地上,穿着大主教礼服戴着鲜艳的红色无沿帽,老泪纵横。
Motorbike and bulldozer 摩托车与推土机
Motorbike and bulldozer 摩托车与推土机
Possibly because that wound had never healed, possibly because melancholy kept dogging him, he pursued his career as a priest with a wild, frenetic energy. As a chaplain in the Paris universities, a post he held from 1954-69, “Lulu” was remembered in sharp black corduroys and black loafers, tearing round the Latin Quarter on a motorbike.As Archbishop of Paris, in 1984, he led a demonstration of a million people to protest against Fran?ois Mitterrand's attempt to secularise Catholic schools. He set up Radio Notre Dame and a Catholic TV station; in his 70s, in 1997 and 2000, he organised joyous World Youth Days in Paris and in Rome. Fervent for evangelisation, “the Bulldozer” gingered up all his 106 parishes in Paris, summarily shifted clergy who failed to perform, and founded his own seminary, which eventually provided about 15% of the city's priests.
或许是内心的伤痛难于治愈,或许是忧郁症不断的纠缠,他狂热地把精力都 投入到了所从事的职业——牧师中去。1954到1969年间他在巴黎大学作了十五年的教士,人们都记住了一个叫“鲁鲁”的穿时髦黑灯心绒裤子脚登黑皮鞋的 牧师,他骑着一辆摩托车,在拉丁区的大街小巷来回穿梭。1984年作为巴黎教区的大教主,他领导了百万人的游行,抗议弗朗索瓦?密特朗把天主教中学世俗 化。他设立了圣母玛利亚广播电台和天主教电视转播台;在1997到2000年,他已经70多岁了,还在巴黎和罗马组织了充满欢乐的世界青年日。由于热心于 福音传道,“推土机”(注5)使他巴黎范围内的106个教区充满了活力。在这里工作不力的神职人员会被马上撤换,这里还成立了教区神学院,市内15%的牧 师是从这里走出去的。
Though a new broom and a gale of fresh air, unafraid to shout “Merde!” if a crucifix fell over, he was intellectually conservative. Most of the world's wrongs, including fascism, communism and anti-Semitism, he traced to the Enlightenment and the cult of reason.Relativism and the collapse of moral values he blamed on the student riots of 1968, “this bedlam”, in which he had refused to take the students' side. All his instincts and emotions, as well as his Polish background, endeared him to John Paul II, and it was under the mantle of that friendship that he rose first to bishop of Orléans, then to archbishop, and finally to cardinal, all within five years.
如果一个受难十字架掉了下来,这个新潮的上任者敢毫不顾忌地说声:“他妈的!”,但是在内心里,他仍然是守旧的。 世界上大多数错误,例如法西斯主义、共铲主义、以及排犹主义,他都归结为启蒙和崇拜的原因。他把相对主义和道德价值的沦丧归咎于1968年的学生暴乱, “这是骚乱”,他拒绝站在学生的立场审视问题。他的天性、理智以及波兰背景都使得保罗二世对他喜爱有加。这些就是在友谊的掩盖下,让他5年内从奥尔良主 教、大主教以及最后红衣主教位置上迅速窜红的原因。
But he never forgot. He taught himself Hebrew in readiness for his aliyah, or formal return to Israel. Every detail of his funeral, with its two rites, he carefully arranged himself. Then he wrote his epitaph: I was born Jewish. I received the name of my paternal grandfather, Aaron. Having become Christian by faith and baptism, I have remained Jewish. As did the Apostles.
不 过他却没有忘记他的犹太信仰。他为了能登台读经而自学希伯来文(注6),为正式回归犹太教做准备。他精心为自己安排了两种仪式混合的葬礼中的所有细节,然 后写下了自己的《墓志铭》: 我生是犹太人,从慈祥的祖父那里继承了亚伦这个名字。在信念的指引下,我接受了洗礼成为了基督徒,但我仍然是一名犹太人。就如传道的十二圣徒。
2、 1981年,教皇指定吕斯蒂杰为巴黎的大教主,有媒体采访他时,他说,“For me, this nomination was as if, all of a sudden, the crucifix began to wear a yellow star.”(对我来讲,这个任命就好象突然之间,受难十字架被标上了一个黄色六角星标志。) yellow star,或者叫Yellow Star of David,二站时期,纳粹为了识别、集中、并最终屠杀犹太人,所采取的一种手段,让所有犹太人在胸前背后都标上黄色六角星的标志,以示区别。 德国在二战中占领法国巴黎后,吕斯蒂杰曾被迫在身上带上了黄六角星的标志。
3、Yiddish 犹太教的国际语言。意第绪语Rabbi:拉比(犹太人的学者), 法学博士, 法师, 先生
4、 1995年吕斯蒂杰访问以色列的时候,德裔犹太教首席拉比Meir Lau说他在40年代:“betrayed his people and his faith during the most difficult and darkest of periods”(在最困难和黑暗的时候背叛了他的人民和他的信念。)并驳回了主教仍然是犹太人的声明。作为回应,吕斯蒂杰说:“To say that I am no longer a Jew is like denying my father and mother, my grandfathers and grandmothers…….”
5、由于Lustiger精力充沛,容易冲动,以及有时候的独裁专制特征,得到了一个 “the bulldozer” (推土机)的外号。
6、aliyah <希伯来文>(犹太教礼拜时的)登台读经文