The world economy
Will the credit crisis trigger a downturn?
From The Economist print edition
Despite the Fed's big interest-rate cut, increasing risk-aversion is likely to depress growth
AT THE climax of “The Day the Earth Caught Fire”, a science-fiction film made in 1961, the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. The world's great powers decide to detonate nuclear bombs, hoping to push the Earth off a collision course with the sun. Do they succeed? The final scene shows two versions of the next day's Daily Express: the headline on the first reads “World Saved”; the other, “World Doomed”.
In the 2007 sequel, “The Day the Credit Markets Seized Up”, Wall Street seemed this week almost to have made up its mind about the ending: World Saved, Probably. Financial markets had expected the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point on September 18th, but prayed fervently for a half. When the half came,
But on sober appraisal, there is less cause for celebration. Global money markets are still be devilled by banks' need for cash and mistrust of one another: witness the thousands of Britons who queued this week to take their money out of Northern Rock, a mortgage lender. The longer that money-market rates stay high, the greater the danger that expensive credit will start to hurt real economies. Central bankers still have work to do and reputations to make and lose—chief among them Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Fed. Mr Bernanke may have been feted this week. But it will take more than one rate cut, with Wall Street and Congress screaming for it, to make his name. In the past the Fed has been too eager to cut rates repeatedly when markets gripe. Mr Bernanke has yet to show he is not making the same mistake.
但是清醒地来评价,值得庆贺的事并没有那么多。全球货币市场仍然被银行的现金需求和相互的不信任所困饶:本周有人亲眼看见数千名英国人排队从按揭贷款人Northern Rock那 里提款。现金市场利率在高位呆得越久,昂贵的信贷开始伤害当前经济的危险就越大。中央银行家们仍然有很多工作要做,建立声誉并迷失于其中——他们中首当其 冲的是美联储主席本·伯南克。伯南克本周可能是最佳座上客。但是在华尔街和国会山的强烈呼求下,宴会上添上他的名字所需要采取的措施可不仅仅是单一的降 息。过去,当市场紧缩时,美联储太热衷于反复降息的手段了。伯南克至今已向人们表明他没有犯同样的错误。
Reasons to be fearful担心的理由
The size of the Fed's cut and the statement that accompanied it signified fear more than hope (see article). The central bank hopes to “forestall some of the adverse effects” of the credit crunch on the economy. But trouble may be coming anyway. The housing market's malaise is deepening all the while. This week's symptoms were a 12-year low in housing starts and a doubling of foreclosures in a year. No wonder housebuilders are their gloomiest since the 1991 recession.
The real source of pain is the rise in borrowing costs in both
真 正的疼痛来源是欧洲和美国的借贷成本上升。当然了,情况略好于过去。借助于美联储的降息,衡量向其他银行而非山姆大叔放贷的风险标准——三个月期限的同业 拆借率和国库券之间的差距——缩小了。值得注意的是,在英格兰银行放弃其拒绝干涉三个月期限现金市场立场之后,英镑的同业拆借率也下降了。但是这个大逆转 是在Northern Rock银行的大恐慌之后才产生的,这加深了人们对管理者Mervyn King的批评。中央银行肯定希望某个转折点已经抵达,但是拆借率仍然偏高。路仍然漫漫。
From celebration to calibration先庆祝后调整
A lot of this pain, alas, is necessary. Central banks have been saying for months that risk had become underpriced. Well, now the repricing is at hand, and it is not going to be fun. Banks have to work out the cost of the damage done by years of easy credit and gorging on complicated financial products (see article). It could take months to put prices on the complicated mix of assets for which they are ultimately liable. Meanwhile, they will want to keep cash to themselves rather than lend to others. And in future they may be choosier about who they lend to, directly or indirectly.
大 量的这种痛苦,唉,还是必要的。中央银行不停地说风险已经变得过低了。好了,现手握重新定价的利器,却发现并不是那么有趣。银行不得不计算出多年放宽信贷 条件所造成的损害成本,然后贪婪地大吃错综复杂的金融产品大餐。这会需要花费几个月时间去给那些银行最终仍要负责的错综复杂的资产组合定价。同时,他们都 更希望把现金留给自己,而非向别人放贷。也许在将来,他们会直接或者间接地慎重选择他们的借贷对象。
This is not to say that securitisation is about to be uninvented. It cannot be and should not be. In recent weeks the dangers of financial innovation—the divorce of originator from ultimate lender; the sheer complexity of some derivatives—have become plain. The benefits remain, not least the increased ability of households to smooth spending over their lifetimes and of markets to allocate risks to those most willing to bear them (see article). But there are cycles in all things: underpricing begets excess, which begets a reckoning. For a while at least, many people and businesses will have to pay more to borrow, or will not be able to borrow at all. The results will be felt in markets for housing—
这并非说证券化将要被非创造化。不能也不应该。最近几周的金融创新的危险——创办人从最终放款人中脱离;一些衍生产品十足的复杂性——已经很清晰明了。高收益依然如旧,保持家庭终生平稳消费的能力在持续增长,向那些最愿承担风险的人分摊市场风险的功能也在加强(请看本期专题) 。但是这一切都遵从一个循环:过低定价招致过剩,而过剩又招致呆坏帐。至少在短时期内,许多个人和企业将不得不偿还更多借款,或者根本就无力借贷。这个结果将在不仅在住房供给市场——美国的住房供给市场距离泡沫还有很远——上得以体现,还会体现在垃圾股与公司赎回市场上。
To some extent, easier monetary policy may soothe the transition. Already some central banks have held off interest-rate increases that looked certain a few weeks ago. But even if some of these eventually cut rates, they are unlikely wholly to reverse the tightening of conditions just yet. The markets are in effect raising rates on the central banks' behalf. These monetary policymakers are unlikely to forget inflation in a hurry.
就 某种程度上来讲,宽松的货币政策可能对过渡期起到缓和作用。部分中央银行已经阻住了利率的升高,几周以前利率的升高看起来似乎要成定局。但是即使他们中的 一些央行最终削减利率,他们也不大可能恰在此时完全扭转紧缩的局势。代表中央银行利益的市场正在有效加速。那些货币政策的制定者不太可能如此迅速地忘记通 货膨胀。
But might the Fed? It says not. And given the recent run of economic data, inflation hardly seems an imminent threat. That ought to help to protect Mr Bernanke from the charge levelled at Alan Greenspan, his predecessor. Under Mr Greenspan, whose memoirs came out this week (see article), the Fed won a name for being quick to cut rates when markets squealed but slow to raise them when the economy picked up. The housing boom—and today's mess—are the result.
那 么美联储会忘记么?它给出的回答是否定的。考虑到当前经济数据的走向,通货膨胀似乎很难会是迫在眉睫的威胁。这应该会有助于保护伯南克远离他的前人艾伦· 格林斯潘所受到的“平衡”指责。根据本周出笼的格林斯潘的回忆录,美联储赢得了这样一个名声:当市场告急时迅速降息,但是经济回升时却疏于回调。住房市场 的繁荣——以及现在的一团糟——就是那种做法的后果。
Having delivered a half-point cut rather than a quarter, Mr Bernanke is not yet free of the suspicion that he will follow Mr Greenspan's path. Nor is he surely guilty. His Fed has cut rates with the economy looking ropy—but also with bankers and politicians trying to bully him. The hope is that he acted because he saw a gloomy outlook. The fear is that he did so because it is hard for central bankers to say no.