Business and caste in
With reservations种姓专用
From The Economist print edition
A 23-YEAR-OLD dressed in white pyjama trousers and a black over-shirt represents two worlds in
He is in the rural world where 70% of Indians reside: cultivating the family plot in Bannahalli Hundi, a village near
他则居住于70%的印度人生活的乡村,在距离迈索尔市不远的的Bannahalli Hundi村子里耕种着自家的小块农田。村子里4000人的总人口中有一半人属于印度教僧侣阶层——婆罗门。其余的人,包括软件工程师及其家人在内都是达利特人——这是过去被认为是贱民的“在册种姓”之一。
(注:scheduled caste是S-Caste的全称,在印度种姓制度中是“不可接触”的贱民阶层,可以翻译为“在册种姓”.)
Sixty years on this is still the case in Bannahalli Hundi, says the young woman, who does not want to be named. She has never entered the house of a brahmin neighbour. When a dalit was recently hired to cook at the village school, brahmins withdrew their children. Has there been no weakening of caste strictures in her lifetime? “I have not seen it,” she says.
这名不想透漏姓名的年轻姑娘说,虽然六十年过去了,但是Bannahalli Hundi村的情形仍然没有改变。她从来没有进入过婆罗门姓氏的邻居家中。不久前,本村中小学雇佣了一名达利特出生的厨师,随后婆罗门家庭就让他们的孩子退学了。种姓狭隘的现象在她的生活中有削弱的迹象么?“我没有看到,”她说。
The tale is in startling contrast to Infosys's modernity, and she is embarrassed by it. But it partly explains how she came to be hired by a company that is considered to be one of
In collaboration with the elite Bangalore-based International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Infosys is providing special training to low-caste engineering graduates who have failed to get a job in its industry. The training, which lasts seven months, does not promise employment. But of the 89 who completed the first course in May, all but four have found jobs. Infosys hired 17.
Infosys公司和位于班加罗尔的精英学堂——信息科技研究院——进行合作,为那些无法在产业系统中找到工作的底种姓工科毕业生提供特殊培训。培训为期七个月,不担保能找到工作。但是在5月份结束的首期培训课程中, 89名学生只有4人没有找到工作,其中Infosys公司雇佣了17人。
The charity was born of a threat.
这个公益项目是因为一项威胁才产生的。国会领导的印度政府已经命令企业雇佣更多达利特人和部落成员。这两个群体的人数大约占印度全体人口数量的四分之一、全体人口的一半。总理Manmohan Singh已经警告企业,如果不遵守这项规定政府将采取“强硬措施”。许多人把它解读为政府将要实施种姓雇佣配额制度。
Quotas already apply in education and government, where since 1950 22.5% of university places and government jobs have been “reserved” for dalits and tribal people. In addition, since 1993, 27% of government jobs have been reserved for members of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs)—castes only slightly higher up the Hindu hierarchy.
This is not enough for supporters of reservations. Since the introduction of liberal reforms in the early 1990s, public-sector hiring has slowed and businesses have boomed. Extending reservations to companies, they argue, would therefore safeguard an existing policy of promoting the Hindu wretched. It would almost certainly require changes to the constitution. But low-caste politicians are delighted by the prospect, so it could happen.
The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, a dalit leader called Mayawati, has said 30% of company jobs should be reserved for dalits, members of the OBCs and high-caste and Muslim poor. Chandra Bhan Prasad, a dalit journalist, applauds this and argues that it would be in the interest of companies. “It is in the culture of dalits that they are least likely to change their employment because they are so loyal to their masters,” he says. It would also help them become a “new caste [sic] of consumers”.
贱民出生的领导人,Uttar Pradesh的主席Mayawati已经表示,公司职位的30%应该为那些达利特、OBCs成员以及高等种姓和穆斯林中的穷人而预留。达利特出生的记者Chandra Bhan Prasad对此拍手称快,并表示这也有利于公司的利益。他说:“达利特出生的雇员改换工作的可能性最小,因为他们对雇主非常忠诚。”并且还会有助于使他们成为一个“新消费种姓(记者的原文如此,照原文引用)”。
Businessmen are unconvinced. Government, in both its intrusiveness and its incompetence, is a hindrance to them. Caste-based hiring quotas would be just another burden. People given a right to a job tend not to work very hard. So, in an effort to avert Mr Singh's threat, many companies and organisations that represent them are launching their own affirmative-action schemes.
The Confederation of Indian Industry has introduced a package of dalit-friendly measures, including scholarships for bright low-caste students. The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry plans to support entrepreneurs in